Missing in Action

I haven’t written a blog post in a year now. I have been missing in action. Not really sure why because I do have a passion for writing but, kind of struggling with which direction I should focus on. My blog started as a business consulting platform but I think…

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Doing Things Intentionally – An intentional Commitment To …

Let’s talk about doing things. Doing things intentionally. All acts require an intentional commitment to do something and actively carry out that act. If you are like me who loves to daydream during spare times, half of the time those dreams never actualise. We all dream about potential business ideas…

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My First Podcast Experience

After many contemplations, I finally gave into the idea of listening to podcasts. To be honest, I do not listen to podcasts and I don’t really have a reason why. I’m just not into it. But I decided to give it a try and I’m glad I did. James Altucher’s…

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Why Are We Really Friends With Our …

I was speaking to my best friend Temi recently and she said something to me that got me thinking all day. She said to me “Buky, are we friends because we enjoy being around each other or are we friends because we are going through similar problems?” Well, I wasn’t…

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5 Ways To Overcome Your Business Failures

So you’ve decided to take a bold step and key into the business world? Congratulations! You are on the right track. You are extremely excited and can’t believe that some time ago, your business was just an idea. You’re filled with creativity and innovation about what is and what is…

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